Sunday, November 2, 2008


This is a free public service announcement to remind you to remove all of the crap that you may end up painting your face with tonight BEFORE you pass out. Simply put, the el cheapo grease-based makeup you buy at the drugstore will wreak havoc on your skin. (Unless you bought some of this grease-free Alcone stuff...) Anyhoo, what you want to do is bust out the big guns:CHECK THIS OUT

A high performance cleanser--yes, this would actually be the time to use your old school cold cream; wash once more with an NATURAL HANDCRAFTED SOAP; and finish with a swab of witch hazel toner. Apply a smidge of moisturizer or blemish fighting weapon (depending on your skin type) at your discretion.

Take it from someone who fell asleep in zombie makeup once and woke up with skin that was acutely more gruesome than it was with the paint on. You'll thank me later

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